Unlimited data
10GB high speed data
Unlimited local calling
Unlimited texting
Canada, UK and US
Unlimited high speed data
Unlimited local calling,
Canada, MX and US
+200 minutes for calls to UK
Unlimited global texting
Unlimited data
Canada, Mexico and US
Unlimited calling across Bermuda, Canada, MX and US
+400 minutes for calls to UK
Unlimited global texting
Unlimited data
in 60 countries
Unlimited local calling
Calling across 60 countries
Unlimited global texting
Pick your kind of Paradise - we're keeping it simple so you can see what plan suits you best.
10 GB High Speed Data, then slower but still unlimited
Unlimited High Speed Data
Unlimited High Speed Data
Unlimited High Speed Data
Not Included
Unlimited to Canada, Mexico and United States.
200 minutes to UK.
Unlimited to, from, and while visiting Canada, Mexico, and United States.
400 minutes to UK.
Unlimited to, from, and while visiting 60 countries.
Unlimited to and from Bermuda, Canada, United Kingdom, and United States.
Not Included
Not Included
Unlimited data in Canada, Mexico, and United States. 12GB at full speed, then slower.
Unlimited data in 60 countries.
30GB High Speed Data in Canada, Mexico, United States, then slower but still unlimited.
Bermuda's first new mobile network since 2005, Paradise has built its state-of-the-art network from scratch, tailoring it to the island and its unique landscape.
We're constantly improving the network to offer super fast and reliable 5G, wherever you are.
Your feedback will help us improve our service - share it here.